Royal Seal of Approval

On Christmas Day 2020 we all sat down to watch the Queen’s speech. She spoke of her great pride in the “quiet, indomitable” spirit of those who have “risen magnificently” to the challenges of 2020 and stressed: “We need life to go on.”

Her message captured many stories from around the world highlighting “difficult and unpredictable” times of pandemic, she noted: “Remarkably, a year that has necessarily kept people apart has, in many ways, brought us closer.”

She spoke of “hope in the new dawn”, and singled out young people for special praise. Tony was speechless when he heard the queen thank him alongside his hero Captain Tom for raising money for the NHS and other nominated charities.

See the charities that the Tony Hudgell Foundation supports here

Tony’s mantra “I want to help everybody” is not just for Christmas, it’s everyday. 


Letter From 10 Downing Street